Solving business challenges with Narrative Analysis As A Service (NAAAS)


Solving Business Challenges with Narrative Analysis As A Service (NAAAS)


A business narrative is an account of related stories about a business operation. Profit and loss is driven by risk and reward. There is no gain without risk. Management teams face challenges constantly from internal operations and external events. What is missing is an integrated view of business narratives to help executives making important decisions.


Ideally, decisions should be made with full knowledge of the underlying narratives. However, it is easy to say but difficult to practice. Timely knowledge on every aspect of a business is hard to achieve even if equipped with specialized tools and skills. Consequently, many important decisions are made without the benefit of knowing the latest.


Internal & External Narratives

There are two categories of business narratives. Internal narratives are derived from communications within an organization. External narratives are derived from outside of the organization. Knowledge distilled from external narratives has direct effect on business operation. The following is a list of common narratives that concern every business. In practice, nexus on these narratives have a chaining effect that impacts across an organization.

  • Borrow rate affects interest payment and refinancing debts
  • Global narratives affect supply chains and TAM
  • Competitive narratives affect growth, product, marketing and revenue
  • Human resource narratives affect work force
  • Regulation narratives affect compliance, policy and operational priorities
  • Insurance narratives affect operational decisions
  • Market narratives affect share price and operational economics
  • Business intelligence narratives affect operational strategy and planning
  • Information security narratives impact cyber security and defense
  • Climate narratives affect operational logistics and production
  • Economic trends and consumption trends narratives affect margin, sales and profitability


    Current Practice

    Internal narratives reflect the performance on operations. When issues with internal narratives are not timely discovered, it can negatively impact the quality of the work force, products, services, share price, profit and revenue. Often, managers resort to skip-level meetings and one-on-one meetings to seek alignment of information, uncover concerns, obstacles, and new insights. Documentations on progress of projects such as progress reports and status reports are parts of the internal narratives that show the quantitative and qualitative aspect of business operation. Timely cognition of internal and external narratives is vital for business to stay competitive.


    Deriving Narratives from Internal and External Communication

    Business communication is a treasure trove that offers comprehensive account of the state of a business. It is a critical resource to the management team. While the balance sheet reflects the state of financial condition of a business, business communication complements the financial data with details of business transactions and outcome of business operations.


    Written business communication is a part of the business record that consists of document trails of everything related to a business. Internal communications tell the stories on production processes. Upstream communications are mostly comprised of reports on status and progress. Downstream communications provide policy, guides and advisories. Lateral communications facilitate coordination and collaboration. External communications are comprised of all communications that occur between the organization and external parties, such as customers, vendors, and the public. It includes marketing materials, public media, business intelligence, and customer communications.


    Related business communication is an integral part of the intelligence gathering that management used to steer the business forward. This includes managing risk, formulating strategies and initiatives to meet expectations. Turning business communication into narratives to understand dependencies and root causes help business leaders to evaluate the risk and reward. The complexity of business narratives add challenges to operational planning and execution. Operational leaders have to dig down through the product process and technology layers to understand dependencies and root cause.


    Compilation of business narratives is a complicated, time-consuming, and labor-intensive task, but a necessity to reveal the full picture before remedial plan or strategy can be devised. The discovery process involves the analysis of voluminous amount of corpus. For instance, if upstream report is inconsistent with the lateral communication, it is a fallacy that must be addressed and resolved.


    A Better Alternative

    With the advent of Symbolic Logic AI, BIZPAGE introduced "Narrative Analysis As a Service (NAAAS)". It is a resource available for businesses to collect and organize business communications to create an integrated narrative that reflects the latest state of the business. NAAAS is available for subscription on a recurring basis or as a one-off engagement. It is a cloud service that analyzes details of a corpus, and provides results in multiple interactive reports - knowledge diagram in DAG, logic analytic report and semantic relevance report. As a turnkey service, BIZPAGE helps to turn business communications into business intelligence analytics, alleviating business leaders from the tedious process of discovering details from documents.


    In a nutshell, how does Symbolic Logic AI understand a written narrative without any human assistance, pre-training or model:

    1. Identifies the stories in the narrative and draw relationships between these stories, expresses in as a DAG (knowledge graph).
    2. Identifies top down logical hierarchy of terms and concepts in the stories in the form of a table of content.
    3. Rank the stories by semantics relevancy.

    This is the criteria and standard that we adhere to when we implemented Symbolic Logic AI, something that Generative AI lacks.


    The Following Enumerates a Summary of Services Offering:

    1. Collect business communications and turn it into structured business narratives in machine-readable format

    2. Discover missing context and semantics

    3. Assist in identify documents for analysis based on business objectives

    4. Competitive analysis based on earnings transcripts and business intelligence

    5. Timely integrating business communications to update business narrative

    6. Apply deductive reasoning based on abstraction derived from narrative analysis

    7. Narrative analysis to support both organic and inorganic growth




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